Traffic flow prediction is an important part of smart transportation. The goal is to predict future traffic conditions based on historical data recorded by sensors and the traffic network. As the city continues to build, parts of the transportation network will be added or modified. How to accurately predict expanding and evolving long-term streaming networks is of great significance. To this end, we propose a new simulation-based criterion that considers teaching autonomous agents to mimic sensor patterns, planning their next visit based on the sensor's profile (e.g., traffic, speed, occupancy). The data recorded by the sensor is most accurate when the agent can perfectly simulate the sensor's activity pattern. We propose to formulate the problem as a continuous reinforcement learning task, where the agent is the next flow value predictor, the action is the next time-series flow value in the sensor, and the environment state is a dynamically fused representation of the sensor and transportation network. Actions taken by the agent change the environment, which in turn forces the agent's mode to update, while the agent further explores changes in the dynamic traffic network, which helps the agent predict its next visit more accurately. Therefore, we develop a strategy in which sensors and traffic networks update each other and incorporate temporal context to quantify state representations evolving over time.
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Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is an automatic technique that can search for well-performed architectures for a specific task. Although NAS surpasses human-designed architecture in many fields, the high computational cost of architecture evaluation it requires hinders its development. A feasible solution is to directly evaluate some metrics in the initial stage of the architecture without any training. NAS without training (WOT) score is such a metric, which estimates the final trained accuracy of the architecture through the ability to distinguish different inputs in the activation layer. However, WOT score is not an atomic metric, meaning that it does not represent a fundamental indicator of the architecture. The contributions of this paper are in three folds. First, we decouple WOT into two atomic metrics which represent the distinguishing ability of the network and the number of activation units, and explore better combination rules named (Distinguishing Activation Score) DAS. We prove the correctness of decoupling theoretically and confirmed the effectiveness of the rules experimentally. Second, in order to improve the prediction accuracy of DAS to meet practical search requirements, we propose a fast training strategy. When DAS is used in combination with the fast training strategy, it yields more improvements. Third, we propose a dataset called Darts-training-bench (DTB), which fills the gap that no training states of architecture in existing datasets. Our proposed method has 1.04$\times$ - 1.56$\times$ improvements on NAS-Bench-101, Network Design Spaces, and the proposed DTB.
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Various depth estimation models are now widely used on many mobile and IoT devices for image segmentation, bokeh effect rendering, object tracking and many other mobile tasks. Thus, it is very crucial to have efficient and accurate depth estimation models that can run fast on low-power mobile chipsets. In this Mobile AI challenge, the target was to develop deep learning-based single image depth estimation solutions that can show a real-time performance on IoT platforms and smartphones. For this, the participants used a large-scale RGB-to-depth dataset that was collected with the ZED stereo camera capable to generated depth maps for objects located at up to 50 meters. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Raspberry Pi 4 platform, where the developed solutions were able to generate VGA resolution depth maps at up to 27 FPS while achieving high fidelity results. All models developed in the challenge are also compatible with any Android or Linux-based mobile devices, their detailed description is provided in this paper.
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神经体系结构搜索(NAS)可以自动为深神经网络(DNN)设计架构,并已成为当前机器学习社区中最热门的研究主题之一。但是,NAS通常在计算上很昂贵,因为在搜索过程中需要培训大量DNN。绩效预测因素可以通过直接预测DNN的性能来大大减轻NAS的过失成本。但是,构建令人满意的性能预测能力很大程度上取决于足够的训练有素的DNN体系结构,在大多数情况下很难获得。为了解决这个关键问题,我们在本文中提出了一种名为Giaug的有效的DNN体系结构增强方法。具体而言,我们首先提出了一种基于图同构的机制,其优点是有效地生成$ \ boldsymbol n $(即$ \ boldsymbol n!$)的阶乘,对具有$ \ boldsymbol n $ n $ n $ n $ \ boldsymbol n $的单个体系结构进行了带注释的体系结构节点。此外,我们还设计了一种通用方法,将体系结构编码为适合大多数预测模型的形式。结果,可以通过各种基于性能预测因子的NAS算法灵活地利用Giaug。我们在中小型,中,大规模搜索空间上对CIFAR-10和Imagenet基准数据集进行了广泛的实验。实验表明,Giaug可以显着提高大多数最先进的同伴预测因子的性能。此外,与最先进的NAS算法相比,Giaug最多可以在ImageNet上节省三级计算成本。
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这项工作提出了一种在像素处理器阵列(PPA)传感器上实施完全卷积神经网络(FCN)的方法,并演示了粗分割和对象定位任务。我们使用batchnorm,小组卷积和可学习的二进制阈值设计和训练二进制的FCN,用于二进制重量和激活,生产足够小的网络,以嵌入PPA的焦平面上,并具有有限的本地记忆资源,并使用平行基本添加添加添加的网络/仅减去,转移和位操作。我们演示了PPA设备上FCN的首次实现,并在像素级处理器中完全执行三个卷积层。我们使用此体系结构来证明使用SCAMP-5 PPA视觉芯片在280 fps处的对象分割和定位的推理生成热图。
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知识图形嵌入(KGE)旨在学习实体和关系的陈述。大多数KGE模型取得了巨大的成功,特别是在外推情景中。具体地,考虑到看不见的三倍(H,R,T),培训的模型仍然可以正确地预测(H,R,Δ)或H(Δ,r,t),这种外推能力令人印象深刻。但是,大多数现有的KGE工作侧重于设计精致三重建模功能,主要告诉我们如何衡量观察三元的合理性,但是对为什么可以推断到未看见数据的原因有限的解释,以及什么是重要因素帮助Kge外推。因此,在这项工作中,我们试图研究kge外推两个问题:1。凯格如何推断出看看的数据? 2.如何设计KGE模型,具有更好的外推能力?对于问题1,我们首先分别讨论外推和关系,实体和三级的影响因素,提出了三种语义证据(SES),可以从列车集中观察,并为推断提供重要的语义信息。然后我们通过对几种典型KGE方法的广泛实验验证SES的有效性。对于问题2,为了更好地利用三个级别的SE,我们提出了一种新的基于GNN的KGE模型,称为语义证据意识图形神经网络(SE-GNN)。在SE-GNN中,每个级别的SE由相应的邻居图案明确地建模,并且通过多层聚合充分合并,这有助于获得更多外推知识表示。最后,通过对FB15K-237和WN18RR数据集的广泛实验,我们认为SE-GNN在知识图表完成任务上实现了最先进的性能,并执行更好的外推能力。
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